This exceptionally large double issue of the journal (252 printed pages) was prepared in cooperation with the Museum of the Jindřichův Hradec Region and the Methodological Centre of the Museum of Czech Literature. Besides the regular sections of the Reviews and The News from the National Museum Library, it contains 24 articles focused on book culture in the 19th century, specifically on book and magazine decoration (e.g. the article Časopisecká ilustrace – doprovod i konkurent textu [Magazine Illustrations – Text Accompaniment as Well as Competition]), book binding (Celokovové vazby 19. století [All-Metal Book Bindings in the 19th Century]), readership (Čtenářství na Sobotecku v první polovině 19. století – čtenáři, majitelé knih a knihoven [Reading in the Sobotka Area in the First Half of the 19th Century – Readers, Book and Library Owners]), publishing activities (Nakladatelství Jana Otty /1871–1916/ [The Publishing House of Jan Otto in 1871–1916], Provoz pražského nakladatelství a tiskárny Františka Šimáčka /1834–1885/ [The Operation of the Prague Publishing House and Printing Works of František Šimáček (1834–1885)], Produkce Landfrasovy tiskárny a nakladatelství v 19. století [The Production of the Landfras Printing Works and Publishing House in the 19th Century]), censorship (Školní knihovny 19. století: kontrola, podpora a znovu kontrola [School Libraries in the 19th Century: Control, Support and Control Again]), personal collections (Osobní knihovny Národního muzea – cenný zdroj informací k dějinám knižní kultury 19. a počátku 20. století [Personal Libraries in the National Museum – a Valuable Source of Information on the History of Book Culture in the 19th Century and the Early 20th Century], Pražská měšťanská knihovna J. D. Arbeitera v dobovém a kulturním společenském kontextu [The Prague Burgher Library of J. D. Arbeiter in the Cultural and Social Context of the Time]) and on other related topics (e.g. the article Mariazell v tištěných médiích 18. a 19. století [Mariazell in Printed Media of the 18th and 19th Centuries]). The presented issue also includes Matiční listy, regularly prepared by the Czech cultural association Matice česká, a part of the National Museum Society, this time dedicated to F. L. Rieger.

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